Keating once remarked about Costello at the time he was being urged to stand against Howard (slightly paraphrased). “Poor Peter, he didn’t have the courage to draw the sword, he’s all tip and no iceberg”.

Says a lot about a man whose left hand doesn’t know what his right hand is doing!

Great article

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Let's hope the May 21st election results might give the staff at Fairfax a sense that they need to call out Costello's " born to rule " attitude. They will be no better than the Murdoch press if they allow this continued Liberal bias. Go the Teals!!!

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Dodged a bullet not having him run for PM. The Age was a great paper but now it is just a joke. It's particularly sad to see the Sydney Morning Herald, once so well respected, reduced to a shadow of its former self as well and many excellent journalists booted. Nine TV, on the other hand, has always been crap. We need that inquiry into media ownership in Australia and urgent change in the media landscape if democracy is to be rebuilt in this country.

Another insightful article Captured States. Much more honest independent journalism like this is needed to make up for the dearth of it in the MSM that has so let us down. Keep up the great work and the good fight.

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I generally like your writing, but...

"Unfortunately, for Victorians, where cases were almost three times lower..."

If cases were one times lower, Victoria would have had zero cases. "One times lower" is not the same as "one third of".

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